Join CTTR as a Foster Home
NOTICE: We are especially seeking foster homes north of Austin and northwest of Austin for any size turtles and tortoises.
Foster homes are private residences affiliated with Central Texas Tortoise Rescue which provide temporary homes for the animals in our care while they are awaiting a final adoption, just like our two main facilities. Having foster homes throughout the state of Texas enables us to expand our areas of operation and to take in more animals at a time.
A fosterer can choose how many animals they will take on at a time, as well as determine the size of the animals they have the space for - no one is required to foster a specific size tortoise or box turtle, nor foster any more than one animal at a time.
Coordinate drop off and pick up times for animals coming into and out of your foster home!

Provide an appropriate, safe, clean, outdoor habitat, with food, water, and shelter!

Give tortoises and turtles stable temperatures to thrive in, throughout the seasons!

Get veterinary care for recovering animals as needed - CTTR pays for all veterinary expenses!

Russian, box turtle, or other small tortoise: 25 square feet
Redfoot, juvenile sulcata, or other medium tortoise: 64 square feet
Sulcata or leopard between 20 and 50 lbs: 400 square feet
Sulcata or leopard greater than 50 lbs: 1,000 square feet
Please be aware that you must have an enclosure that meets the space requirements for a specific tortoise or box turtle before you can foster them!
Other ways to help
Just ask if it's something we need at the moment. Husbandry equipment
or tortoise food is often needed.